For the past several weeks, Brian and I have been working around the house trying to get things ready for the new baby. One big thing that we wanted to do was to move Olivia out of the nursery (and the crib), and into her new room. So, last weekend we purchased a twin-sized mattress and a bed rail. Olivia had gotten some twin-sized sheets and a quilt from Santa Claus, so we put those on the bed as well. We ohhhed and ahhhed over how beautiful the bed was, and Olivia really started to get excited about it.
We also spent some time "practicing" how a big girl sleeps in a big girl bed. Here you can see Olivia "sleeping" on her pillow while peeking to make sure that someone is watching her. All of that practice has paid off, though, because she has slept by herself in her new bed for a week now. I'm really surprised by how easy the transition has been. Remy (who used to sleep under Olivia's crib) seems to be the only one that is upset about the change.