Christmas Eve was very exciting this year. Once again, we had supper at Gigi and Papa's house. After eating and visiting for a while, it was time to open gifts. We usually open gifts in order of birth with the youngest going first. Even though he would have been first, poor Owen just couldn't hold out. He fell asleep and was out for the night. Olivia gladly volunteered her services and lent me a hand in opening Owen's gifts for him. By the end of the night, she was getting to be quite the pro at opening presents.

We all received such nice gifts. Owen and Olivia got a lot of clothes and toys. They also got a cool cross and yamaca from Israel (thanks to my cousin, Pam, who is always going to cool places). Brian and I also got a lot of nice things- including a garbage disposal (Yay!!).
The nicest gift of the night, though, had to be the diamond ring that my mom got from my dad. The diamond of mama's old engagement ring fell out in the bathroom sink at Sears and was lost several years ago (like a decade ago, maybe?). She was so upset about losing her old ring, and we are all so thrilled to see that she finally got a new one.

Toward the end of the evening it was announced that there was one final present for Ava and Olivia. Hmm... what could it be?
Drums?? Thanks a lot, Gigi!