This weekend, I took the kids to see The Swinging Medallions- aka "party band of the South"- at the Spirit of Liberty Festival in Patterson. The Swinging Medallions is a band based out of South Carolina that travels around playing beach music and golden oldies. Aunt Quincy came to the festival and helped me out with the kids (thanks, sis), and of course my dad was there. I mean, this event had "Sam Walker" written all over it. We saw him on occasion as he made his rounds talking to everyone there. Anyway, the kids had a great time. We were at the festival from 7:00 until 9:15, and they danced from the time we arrived until the time we left. I guess that Olivia has been watching too many break-dancing movies, because when she dances she gets on the floor and tries to do spins and stuff like that. She did this at the festival- which I think tickled some of the people around us. Whenever the band would finish a song, the audience would clap for the band. Olivia thought that they were clapping for her and her brilliant dance moves, so she started bowing. She was a real hoot. When we finally got home (after a "lost keys" episode that was just exhausting), the kids went straight to bed. I guess the tiredness was worth it, though, because Olivia woke up this morning and told me that she thought we should either go to a concert or a parade today. What a mess she is!