Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Swinging Medallions

This weekend, I took the kids to see The Swinging Medallions- aka "party band of the South"- at the Spirit of Liberty Festival in Patterson. The Swinging Medallions is a band based out of South Carolina that travels around playing beach music and golden oldies. Aunt Quincy came to the festival and helped me out with the kids (thanks, sis), and of course my dad was there. I mean, this event had "Sam Walker" written all over it. We saw him on occasion as he made his rounds talking to everyone there. Anyway, the kids had a great time. We were at the festival from 7:00 until 9:15, and they danced from the time we arrived until the time we left. I guess that Olivia has been watching too many break-dancing movies, because when she dances she gets on the floor and tries to do spins and stuff like that. She did this at the festival- which I think tickled some of the people around us. Whenever the band would finish a song, the audience would clap for the band. Olivia thought that they were clapping for her and her brilliant dance moves, so she started bowing. She was a real hoot. When we finally got home (after a "lost keys" episode that was just exhausting), the kids went straight to bed. I guess the tiredness was worth it, though, because Olivia woke up this morning and told me that she thought we should either go to a concert or a parade today. What a mess she is!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Olivia's T-ball Season

For the past month and a half, we have been spending our Saturday mornings at the ball field watching Olivia play t-ball. This is the first sports team (or any type of extracurricular activity) that Olivia
has done. I have to say that the overall experience was a positive one. For her age division, there are no winners or losers. Everyone gets to bat and run the bases. The focus is on teaching sportsmanship, teamwork, and the fundamentals of baseball ( like throwing to first base after fielding the ball). Of course, there were some days where Olivia would have rather dug in the dirt than play ball, and there was one particularlly frustrating day where she refused to run the bases so everyone had to wait while she strolled leisurely from one to the next. Even though she got in a funk sometimes, she enjoyed it. I could really see growth in her skills and in her confidence from the first game to the last one. After the last game, all of the players were presented with a trophy- Olivia's first. I laughed when I saw it because it was a bobblehead trophy. I didn't know they made those. Here are some of the pictures that I took of her playing during the season.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Wild Adventures

Brian was on vacation this week, so we decided to take the kids to Wild Adventures. We spent the first part of our day riding the rides. Owen and Olivia take after their parents in that they like to ride. The height requirement for most of the children's rides was 36 inches. Olivia easily met this height. Poor Owen, though, was right at the 36 inch mark. We tried to get him on the 36 inch rides, but he always had to be measured- and the outcome was not always the same. You could see the conflict in the workers' eyes because Owen's height could really go either way. After an internal debate, most of the workers decided to err on the side of caution. So, Owen only had a 33% success rate at getting on the 36-inch rides. I think it upset Owen a little to watch Olivia ride when he had been turned away. He carried on though. We tried to hit all of the little-kid rides so that both kids could participate, and Owen was tall enough to ride on his first rollercoaster (which he loved).

Around one o'clock it was starting to get really, really hot. The park even started giving out free cups of iced water because it was so hot. We decided that we would go to Splash Island Waterpark (which is attached to Wild Adventures) to cool off. Owen was standoffish and would not get in the water. Brian, who did not bring a bathing suit, spent his time with Owen. Olivia was my responsibilty, and she turned out to be a handful. She literally ran away from me and Brian so that she could get to the water-play structure. She was all over that thing, and she LOVED it! Keeping up with her turned out to be a real workout. Unfortunately, we were only able to stay in the waterpark for about 40 minutes because lightening was spotted in the distance, and they had to shut down the water rides. Since we didn't know how long we would have to wait to get back in the water, we decided to try the waterpark another day, and we headed back to the theme park.

After leaving the waterpark, we rode some rides (those that weren't shut down due to weather) and we spent some time looking at the animals. I really liked the tiger show and was happy that we had a chance to see that. The petting zoo was a big hit with the kids (as always). It's always fun watching those kids try to pet the animals. Some of those animals today just didn't want to be petted. That didn't stop Owen and Olivia from trying. It was like watching two border collies herd sheep. The kids would come, and the animals would run. They did manage to get their hands on several of slower ones, though.
We had a great day at the park. The kids are at the perfect age to enjoy it. I'm thinking that we might get season passes- but we'll wait til next year when Owen is a little taller.