For those of you who didn't know, Olivia is OBSESSED with The Wizard of Oz. In the fall, Gigi invited all of the grandkids to her house to watch the movie for the first time- and that's when the obsession began. Since that time, we have recorded the movie on our Tivo and we watch it five or six times a week (I'm not kidding). Olivia knows almost every line of the movie. In addition to this, Gigi bought Olivia a pair of "ruby slippers" that she insists on wearing to church every Sunday. She has even declared that she is going to be Dorothy for Halloween (so I guess we have this year's theme). Because there is so much "Wizard of Oz" at our house, Owen has even gotten into it. Might as well, he certainly can't avoid it. Because of the popularity of this movie, I couldn't help but take the kids to see a live performance of the Wizard at the local children's theater.

We went on opening night, and the small theater was packed. Luckily, we had arrived early and got seats on the front row. Olivia loved the production and she sang most of the songs along with the actors. The script for the play came directly from the movie, so Olivia was able to follow along with it easily. At one point, she leaned over to tell me that the Wicked Witch had missed one of her lines. Yep, we've seen the movie that many times. Owen also enjoyed the show. I almost didn't take him because he does not have a good track record of sitting still. I'm glad I did, though, because he got into it. After the show, we had a chance to meet the characters. Olivia walked up the Dorothy, pointed at her (Olivia's) shoes, and said, "look, I've got ruby slippers too". Olivia then proceeded to hug EVERYONE- including the wicked witch. Owen didn't really hug anyone, but he did walk up really close to them. That's progress as he tends to avoid all people in costumes (Santa included).