Saturday, April 30, 2011
April Running: Spring Showers and Late Nights
The second race that I ran in April had to be one of the most fun that I've ever done. It was the 2nd Annual Midnight Glow Run sponsored by the YMCA. I ran it last year, but it was held in July then and it was 100 degrees at midnight (so it was miserable). This year the race was moved to April, and the weather was just perfect. The 5K began at the stroke of midnight, and runners wore glowing necklaces and bracelets as they ran. Well, some runners did. Sometimes at races like these there is some crazy person (usually a guy) who comes and races in a silly get-up (like a mask or a banana suit). When I got to the midnight run this year, it did not take me long to spot and recognize the "crazy guy". It was my brother, Sam. He was wearing an 80s rock-star wig, a headband, and some of the shortest, tightest shorts that I've ever seen. It was hilarious. I had to ask where he got the shorts. Turns out they were a pair of Quincy's cheerleading shorts from high school. He had random people coming up to him all night wanting to have their picture made with him. Even with the crazy get up, he ran awesome. He was the fourth person to finish the race and got second in his age group. I also ran well. I posted a new personal best time of 25.27 and finished first in my age group. The glowing, late-night atmosphere was loads of fun. This race is a definite keeper.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Ford Family Reunion
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Easter 2011
We had a fantastic time celebrating the resurrection of our Lord this year. The church was packed, the choir sang beautifully, and the preacher delievered a wonderful sermon. Our Easter celebration has actually been going on for a week or so because we've had several Church events, like the egg hunt and the children's performance. Before going to bed last night, the kids dyed eggs for the Easter Bunny to hide. When they woke up this morning, the bunny had come and had hidden the eggs in their rooms for them to find. He also left them a few goodies in their baskets. Both kids got a little bit of candy, a jump rope, a dvd, and a Bible story book. After checking out their baskets, it was time to get ready for Sunday School. I've mentioned that the church service was packed, but Sunday School was full, too. In my class, I took the last available seat. Olivia also had perfect attendance in her class. I'm so excited for my church- it's really growing! After the morning service, we had our picture made by the cross. Like always, it was decorated with greenery and fresh flowers for Easter. Easter service was followed by lunch and egg-hunting at Granny Buie's house. There were six little egg hunters this year. With the addition of Julianna in September, I suppose that there will be seven next year. Because Audrey is so much younger than the other kids, she got her own "egg-hunting" section this year. The other five were the serious egg hunters, and they had a much larger area to cover. We said "go", and they were gone. I had a hard time getting pictures of the older kids because they were moving so fast. All of the kids ended up finding about the same number of eggs, so everyone was happy. It was a wonderful Easter. Now, I'm left with the task of working off the weight from all of the goodies that I ate today. =)