We had another wonderful Christmas this year- although I was worried that we wouldn't because of sickness. Olivia started running a fever on the last day of school before Christmas break. We visited the doctor's office where she tested positive for strep. We started on antibiotics, but after six long days with little improvement, we decided that this needed to be looked at again. We ended up with a five hour trip to the emergency room where a chest x-ray showed that Olivia had pnemonia. She got a shot in the tail and a prescription for a stronger antibiotic. Fortunately, she was well enough to attend the Christmas Eve candlelight service at church.
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Christmas 2015
We had another wonderful Christmas this year- although I was worried that we wouldn't because of sickness. Olivia started running a fever on the last day of school before Christmas break. We visited the doctor's office where she tested positive for strep. We started on antibiotics, but after six long days with little improvement, we decided that this needed to be looked at again. We ended up with a five hour trip to the emergency room where a chest x-ray showed that Olivia had pnemonia. She got a shot in the tail and a prescription for a stronger antibiotic. Fortunately, she was well enough to attend the Christmas Eve candlelight service at church.
Monday, December 21, 2015
A Nephew!
It's babypalooza in our family! On Dec. 11th, my first nephew- James Samuel was born to my sister Cassie and bro-in-law Nick. He weighed 6 lb 12 oz and was 22 inches long. He has a head full of hair. Everyone is so excited about his arrival! He was born in Atlanta, so I haven't had a chance to meet him yet. I cannot wait to get up there and hold that little stinker. Owen and Olivia are also anxious to meet their "boy" cousin.
In more baby news, my cousin Jessica had her baby- Riley Quinn- four days before James was born. RQ also weighed 6 lb 12 oz. I have gotten to meet Riley Quinn and she is a sweetie. Two new babies to love- this is such a happy time for our family.
In more baby news, my cousin Jessica had her baby- Riley Quinn- four days before James was born. RQ also weighed 6 lb 12 oz. I have gotten to meet Riley Quinn and she is a sweetie. Two new babies to love- this is such a happy time for our family.
Friday, December 18, 2015
Christmas Musical
The kids sang their favorite carols with the Children's Choir at the annual Christmas performance last weekend. This year both kids had a solo- Owen sang a verse of "Away in a Manger" and Olivia had a verse of "Deck the Halls". As always, the kids did a great job and were rewarded by a "surprise" visit from Santa. We enjoyed this evening of entertainment, fun, and fellowship.
O Christmas Tree
We continued our Christmas tradition of adding our "travel" ornaments to our tree. The kids had two new ornaments to add this year- one from Disney World and the other from Universal Studios. We have gotten to the point where Brian and I don't even put our ornaments on the tree anymore because there's not a lot of room left once the kids finish putting their decorations on.
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Tech Fair
Olivia participated in the local technology fair this year in the category of "multimedia production". Her project was titled "My Paris Room" and was a PowerPoint about how she wants to re-decorate her bedroom. I am so proud of the work that she put into her project. In addition to working on the project at home she also went to her teacher's room during lunch for a couple of weeks to work on it at school. During the competition, the students had to go back and make their presentation on their own- parents were not even allowed in the room with the judges. Her hard work paid off, and she placed second and qualified to move on to the region competition in January.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Christmas Parade
Our children's group at church sponsored a float in the city Christmas parade this year. It was somewhat of a last-minute decision, but it came out well. The kids and I went up to the church the day before the parade to help decorate. During the parade, Olivia and Owen sat in as Mary and Joseph on the float. I walked beside the float with two other kids to supervise them as they passed out candy canes to children watching the parade. All of the kids had a great time and enjoyed spreading the Christmas message.
Monday, November 30, 2015
More Big Cats
For the second year in a row, various attractions in the city of Jacksonville have had a "kids free in November" event. We decided to take advantage of the deal this year by visiting the Catty Shack Ranch with some friends of ours. Catty Shack is a non-profit that takes in animals- mostly bit cats (thus the name CATty Shack). We went for the night feeding, which was really interesting because the animals knew that they were about to be fed and were very lively. We saw lions, tigers, cougars, and leopards- among other animals. The animals get loud at feeding time- lots of growling. The kids are serious animal lovers, and they really enjoyed themselves.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Okapi and Cheetahs and Rhinos, Oh My!
Tucked away on the Florida-Georgia line is a place so wonderful that you won't believe your eyes and so "hidden" that a lot of locals don't even know that it's there- even though it is very well known in the world of animal conservation (especially for it's okapi, cheetah, and rhino programs). White Oak Conservation Center sits on the banks of the St. Mary's river. The total property covers 12,400 acres and includes multiple meeting halls, houses for convention lodging, and even a gold course. This place is NICE. Opportunities for the public to visit the conservation area are limited and expensive. They offer some public tours, and also host special "events" a few times a year. These special events usually sell out within the first day of being announced. There is one event that I have been wanting to attend for a while now. The event is called "Breakfast with Beasts". As the name suggests, you have breakfast and then get to visit the "beasts"- which in this case are cheetahs who run on a lure course. They had an event scheduled in the spring but it sold out in one day (which I have since learned always happens), so I have been waiting.... patiently.... for months... for them to announce another breakfast event. Then two weeks ago as I was doing my daily trolling of their website, I noticed that they had an event scheduled. I called and booked immediately. The only unfortunate thing was that Brian had to work, so it was just going to be me and the kiddos.
I called to book and was emailed a map of how to get to the main gate. After traveling down two rather long dirt roads, we checked in at the gate and were given another map of how to get to the pavilion where we would be having breakfast. We were definitely in the middle of nowhere. Thankfully there were signs and people along the way to help us. When we arrived we were directed to parking and met by a guy in a golf cart who shuttled us up the trail to the riverside pavilion. We walked into the pavilion, were greeted by two more staff members, and were ushered to the drink bar where we had a choice of several different breakfast beverages. We sat with a nice couple from Jacksonville who had been to White Oak several times before. As a matter of fact, many of the people that we talked to were repeat visitors. Following a delicious breakfast, we boarded a trolley and headed out to the cheetah demonstration area.

We got to see five different cats run. They were chasing a lure on a course that had been set up before we arrived. I videoed the first two runs and I have uploaded one of the videos at the bottom. I wish I would have recorded the third cheetah because she was super-fast. The cheetahs were given different routes to run- some ran straight, others had routes that cut back and forth. It was really neat to watch these animals do the thing that they are known for doing. You don't get to see them run like this in a zoo setting- no room. After each animal completed her run, she was loaded back up into a cage and taken back to her pen. Before going, they would drive the cats up next to the fence where we were standing so that we could get a really good look at them. Two of the cats were purring- loudly- like a house cat when they came by.
The last two cats to run did so together. After their run, they were brought onto a platform directly in front of us. They ate while their caretakers answered our questions. Cheetahs are one of the animals that White Oak is most known for. They currently house 28 cheetahs on site. One fact that we learned is that having fewer than 3 cubs will not provide enough stimulation for the mama cheetah to produce milk. So, if a cheetah has fewer than 3 cubs, she will abandon them immediately. I mention this because this situation happened at White Oak a number of years ago. The staff ended up having to hand raise the cub, and so that it wouldn't be alone, they paired it with a puppy and raised the two together. It's one of those weird animal relationships that you sometimes read about- two different species being best friends. After the last cats ran, they sent out the puppy (now a huge dog) to be with her buddy/sister. That was really neat.
And here's the part I'll never forget- they walked the last two cheetahs along the fence and let us pet them. Yep. We pet the cheetahs.
Across the road from the cheetah course was the white rhino pen. White Oak is also well known for it's rhino program. They have the largest herd of white rhinos outside of Africa. Seriously- I have never seen so many rhinos in my life. It was feeding time when we showed up, so all of the animals were close to the fence. The rhino caretaker was on hand to answer our questions. Owen and Olivia were standing near the caretaker, and they were listening to her intently. What happened next I could not believe. One of the baby rhinos left it's mother and walked right up to Olivia at the fence. I thought that the caretaker was about to tell the kids to back away from the fence, but she didn't. Instead, she started telling them where would be the best place to touch the little fellow. And so, we got to pet the baby rhino- so stinkin' cute!
After leaving the rhino area, we took a short trolley tour of a nearby portion of the conservation area. We got to see some of the okapi- which is another species that this center is well-known for. We also saw the giraffes, different types of deer, and some type of buffalo. I know that there are other animals that we did not get to see- our tour only hit some of the highlights.
In case you can't tell, I was really impressed with this place. I would love a return visit in the future- maybe to take the official "tour" and see different parts of the reserve. Guess I better start saving my pennies
I called to book and was emailed a map of how to get to the main gate. After traveling down two rather long dirt roads, we checked in at the gate and were given another map of how to get to the pavilion where we would be having breakfast. We were definitely in the middle of nowhere. Thankfully there were signs and people along the way to help us. When we arrived we were directed to parking and met by a guy in a golf cart who shuttled us up the trail to the riverside pavilion. We walked into the pavilion, were greeted by two more staff members, and were ushered to the drink bar where we had a choice of several different breakfast beverages. We sat with a nice couple from Jacksonville who had been to White Oak several times before. As a matter of fact, many of the people that we talked to were repeat visitors. Following a delicious breakfast, we boarded a trolley and headed out to the cheetah demonstration area.
We got to see five different cats run. They were chasing a lure on a course that had been set up before we arrived. I videoed the first two runs and I have uploaded one of the videos at the bottom. I wish I would have recorded the third cheetah because she was super-fast. The cheetahs were given different routes to run- some ran straight, others had routes that cut back and forth. It was really neat to watch these animals do the thing that they are known for doing. You don't get to see them run like this in a zoo setting- no room. After each animal completed her run, she was loaded back up into a cage and taken back to her pen. Before going, they would drive the cats up next to the fence where we were standing so that we could get a really good look at them. Two of the cats were purring- loudly- like a house cat when they came by.
The last two cats to run did so together. After their run, they were brought onto a platform directly in front of us. They ate while their caretakers answered our questions. Cheetahs are one of the animals that White Oak is most known for. They currently house 28 cheetahs on site. One fact that we learned is that having fewer than 3 cubs will not provide enough stimulation for the mama cheetah to produce milk. So, if a cheetah has fewer than 3 cubs, she will abandon them immediately. I mention this because this situation happened at White Oak a number of years ago. The staff ended up having to hand raise the cub, and so that it wouldn't be alone, they paired it with a puppy and raised the two together. It's one of those weird animal relationships that you sometimes read about- two different species being best friends. After the last cats ran, they sent out the puppy (now a huge dog) to be with her buddy/sister. That was really neat.
And here's the part I'll never forget- they walked the last two cheetahs along the fence and let us pet them. Yep. We pet the cheetahs.
Across the road from the cheetah course was the white rhino pen. White Oak is also well known for it's rhino program. They have the largest herd of white rhinos outside of Africa. Seriously- I have never seen so many rhinos in my life. It was feeding time when we showed up, so all of the animals were close to the fence. The rhino caretaker was on hand to answer our questions. Owen and Olivia were standing near the caretaker, and they were listening to her intently. What happened next I could not believe. One of the baby rhinos left it's mother and walked right up to Olivia at the fence. I thought that the caretaker was about to tell the kids to back away from the fence, but she didn't. Instead, she started telling them where would be the best place to touch the little fellow. And so, we got to pet the baby rhino- so stinkin' cute!
After leaving the rhino area, we took a short trolley tour of a nearby portion of the conservation area. We got to see some of the okapi- which is another species that this center is well-known for. We also saw the giraffes, different types of deer, and some type of buffalo. I know that there are other animals that we did not get to see- our tour only hit some of the highlights.
In case you can't tell, I was really impressed with this place. I would love a return visit in the future- maybe to take the official "tour" and see different parts of the reserve. Guess I better start saving my pennies
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