Both Olivia and Owen have had really good school years. They have been blessed with good teachers and have performed well academically. Their accomplishments were recognized this past week at their respective Honor's Day celebrations. Owen's Honor's Day was on Wednesday. He received awards for having all A's, perfect attendance, for having the most AR points in his class, and for having the highest grade on the end-of-year language arts assessment in his class. He also received the citizenship award. To me, this is the most important of all of the awards.
Owen was excited that his grandparents were able to come to his awards ceremony. Olivia's was on the following day, so Gigi, Papa, and Granny Mel had to come to the school on two consecutive days. What dedicated grandparents!
Olivia's Honor's Day was on Thursday. It was set up differently than Owen's. Instead of being organized by the type of award being received, each student was called to the front where they received all of their awards at once. The things they were being honored for were read aloud and were also displayed on a screen. Olivia received awards for having all A's, for having the most AR points in her class, for the various academic teams that she participated in, and for her Young Author's story.
There were a few "special awards" that were given at the end. Olivia was also called up for this where she was recognized for having the most AR points in her grade.
The kids work really hard all year on their school assignments. It's really nice that their effort and successes are recognized.