I participated in three runs during the month of August. I am still not running at the rate that I once was, but I am hanging on. The first run that I did was a local 5k. I finished in 29.43, which kind of surprised me because this is a lot faster than I thought it would be. This race was a morning run, and that same afternoon I went with Quincy and Chase to Jacksonville to complete the Jaguars Stadium Challenge 5k. This was a really good race that takes runners all around and up-and-down Everbank Field. You end up running through the Prowl (where the football team enters), around the field, and finish on the 50 yard line. They also put your face up on the jumbo tron, so that was neat. I finished in 34.04.

The final race that I completed in August was the Heels and Wheels Duathlon. I have done the triathlon for the past three years, but I decided to go back to the Du this year because I'm a terrible swimmer and frankly I'm scared of catching a brain-eating amoeba in the lake. There were only two in my division, so I got the second place trophy by default. My time was 1.45.15.
Hopefully I'll be able to stick with a running program this year and my times will improve as the weather gets cooler.