The city offered free snow cones in the park on the first day of summer. That was a good start.
This summer has been a scorcher, so we tried to stay indoors as much as possible. We were able to squeeze in some hiking at Little River Canyon National Preserve on our way to Space Camp in early June.
As you know, the Valdosta Toys R Us closed its doors in April. Brian drove to work at the store in Jacksonville through the month of June, and he had July off with us. He has never had this much time off with us in the summer. He was able to do things with us (like go bowling), and he was able to do things that he wanted to do (like play golf). We also celebrated his birthday in July. It will be back to work for him in August, but it was really nice to have him home with us this summer.

The kids learned how to play tennis at a night camp in June. They were taught the basics of how to play, and both of them really liked the game.
They also participated in the summer reading program again this year, and they were able to attend two of the maker camps- one for animation and the other for perler beads. We are lucky to have such fantastic programs available to us through our library.
One of my favorite parts of being off is that I have more time available to spend with family. We went up to visit Cassie, Nick, and the boys in the early part of summer and got to be some of the first to try out their pool.
Poor Maren, she never gets any attention.

Owen also got to spend some time with his buddies this summer. One of the coolest things that he got to do was try an escape room. Their crew made it through and were rewarded with snow cones afterward.
I spent a part of my summer cooking and cleaning the house. I don't know how many pots of peanuts I boiled. My kids love boiled peanuts- they can eat a whole pot in a day.