September has been a busy month for us. A lot of clubs and activities are now in full swing, and we are running here and there after school on most afternoons. The month started off with Maren's dedication at church on Labor Day weekend. I can't remember the last time that our whole family attended the same church at the same time, so it was nice to all be together.
While I have been spending most of my weekends at home doing tasks around the house, the kids have been going here and there. They have attended a couple of birthday parties and other events.
Both kids are doing robotics again this year. Following the success of last year's teams, the elementary and middle school programs have grown exponentially. The elementary coach said she sent out 28 team invitations and every single kid accepted. Owen is one of the older kids on the elementary team, and he is excited to be on the "A" robot this year.
Olivia has been working a lot with her team as well. For the most part, the student teams have complete control of the robot design concept and execution at the middle school level. This is different from the elementary level where students have more guidance in what type of robot to build. Her team has come up with an interesting concept. I am curious to see how successful (or not) her robot is this year.
In other news, Olivia is really liking middle school. In addition to her regular classes, she has two exploratory classes- which are coding and band. She has some experience in coding because of robotics, so she is really doing well in there. She also likes band. Her instrument is the french horn, and she's getting better at it (although we still have a ways to go).
September has certainly been busy, but it was hot and so I'm glad it's nearing the end. We are looking forward to fall and cooler weather.