On the way back from Alabama, we took a detour to Providence Canyon State Park. This canyon was created by erosion due to poor farming practices in the 19th century. We hiked the 2.5 mile canyon loop trail- which felt like way more than two and a half miles because of the elevation change. The kids love to hike, so they were thrilled. They pretty much left Gigi and I in a cloud of dust. We didn't mind too much though. The scenery was spectacular, and the weather was great- a perfect day for a hike! The first half of the trail was a hike from the top to the bottom and then back up. The going down was easy, the coming back up- not so much.
There was a small stream of water at the bottom of the canyon, so we had to be careful not to get too dirty (you can see how careful the kids are being).
I like this one of mama in the bed of the canyon pointing to the rim.
The last portion of the trail was a hike along the rim. There were some good views here.
Olivia acting out the bridge scene from Lord of the Rings |