Saturday, April 6, 2013


We had a great Easter this year.  It's already such a great day, but it was made better by the beautiful weather this year.  The kids woke up early-ish to find that the Easter Bunny had come during the night and had brought them candy, a movie, and new Skylanders figures.  That sneaky bunny also hid the eggs that the kids had dyed the day before.  He really hid them hard this year- it took the kids a good 20-30 minutes to find them all.

After the morning festivities, everyone got dressed in their Sunday finest for Sunday school and church.  We had a great time celebrating the good news with our church family.  Following the service, we had our yearly portraits made by the cross in front of the church.  This cross is decorated with ivy and fresh flowers on Easter each year.   

Helping dye eggs is always so much fun!

 The finished product.

The loot.
Following the morning services, we left the church and went to Granny Buie's for lunch.  We all ate until we were stuffed.  Of course, no Easter would be complete without the annual egg hunt.  All of the kids (except Julianna who was asleep) lined up to find the eggs.  

Owen learned that you have to look high and low to find them all.

Claire found the egg with my name on it.  That is one old egg.

Papa enjoyed taking his new scooter out for a spin.

Transplanter: The Next Generation

 I cannot tell you how many hours I spent on this old transplanter growing up.  From the time that we were very young, my siblings and I helped to plant crops (mostly tobacco) using this piece of equipment.  Our first job was following the tractor and filling in the skips in the row.  After a few years of following we graduated to riding and setting out the plants.  Daddy doesn't grow tobacco anymore, so the transplanter doesn't see the amount of action that it use to.  Last weekend, though, Daddy called and said that he wanted to plant tomatoes.  Hannah and I saw this as a chance to start training up the next generation of farm girls and boy.  Cassie was home from Atlanta, so we had plenty of experienced help as well.  It was kind of fun being out on the old transplanter again.  Cassie remarked that it was "like old times".  We used to tease Quincy and Sam about "hiding" when it was time to do work, so it was pretty funny on this day that Sam was nowhere to be found and Quincy showed up late.  They did have legitimate excuses this time, though.

 We let the kids all take turns learning how to use the  transplanter.  Here is Cassie showing Olivia how to hold the plant low so that the roots set deep into the soil.  The kids did pretty well for their first attempt.

Here's Aunt Quincy showing Owen and Claire how to fill in the skips.  This type of planting is done by hand.  

Here's the youngest trainee.  She gets an "A" for cuteness.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Olivia's Spring Field Trip

Kindergarten students at Olivia's school recently took their spring field trip.  The trip was to the house of Olivia's teacher.  The kids spent the morning participating in all sorts of outdoor activities.  They got to fish, take a hayride, go on a nature stroll, hunt eggs, and play outdoor games.  Gigi, who accompanied Olivia on her trip, reported that everyone had a great time.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter Activities

We've been gearing up for Easter at church- and that means lots of activities.  On Palm Sunday, the kiddos participated in the service by walking around during the opening hymn waving palm branches.  Later that evening, the children's choir gave their Easter performance- which consisted of several traditional songs (This Little Light of Mine, When the Saints Go Marching In, etc). We have been practicing these songs every morning during our drive to school, so Owen and Olivia were ready.  They did a good job.

 Later in the week, the kids participated in the church Easter egg hunt.  Since Olivia is in Kindergarten now, she got to hunt with the "big" kids.  Owen stayed in the Pre-K and under area.  The church moved the egg hunt to a Wednesday night this year, and found that this increased the turnout for the event.  There were a lot of "eggcited" kids- more than we expected.  We ended up having to do some last minute re-distributing of the goody bags, but we were happy to do so.  Having more kids than expected is a good problem to have.  Once all of the eggs were hidden, the kids were positioned in their designated areas.  We said "go", and those sweeties took off.  They didn't stop until every egg was found- and some of them kept going even after the last egg was found.  Owen and Olivia both found a decent amount of eggs and had a lot of fun doing so.  At the end of the night, all of the children were rewarded with a huge bag of goodies.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Owen is 5

 My baby is 5!  Where has the time gone?  Owen has been so excited about his birthday this year, and I believed that it was everything he hoped it would be.  His actual birthday was on a Thursday, and it was an all-around fabulous day for him.  I woke him up by singing "Happy Birthday", and made him pancakes for breakfast.  At school, his teachers wished him happy birthday and gave him a crown.  Once he got home, he found that he had presents from Brian, Olivia, and I (a new scooter and skylanders).  While he was playing with his toys, several family members called to sing to Owen.  He got so used to hearing the singing, that he said "not again" when Aunt Hannah called.  Either that or he realized how bad Hannah sings (just kidding, sis).  We decided to eat out in honor of Owen's big day, and we let him choose the restaurant.  He picked Captain Joe's (to everyone's delight).  After eating, we came home, sang to Owen, and let him blow a candle out of a cupcake.  This was an all-around great day.

On the Saturday following Owen's birthday, we gave him a small, family party at And Bounce.  This is where Olivia had had her 5th birthday, and Owen wanted his here, too.  All of the cousins had such a great time playing on the inflateables.  We all got so tickled at Julianna- who thought she was as big as the other kids.  She repeatedly climbed up and slid down the largest slide.

Here is Uncle Sam participating in his favorite pastime- chasing kids.
I asked Owen what kind of party he wanted this year, he told me he wanted "dogs"- no dog in particular, just "dogs".  I gave my sister (and cake maker extraordinaire) the theme, and she really ran with it.  Hannah ended up designing and baking this cute little dog-with-a-birthday-hat cake.  It turned out so well and it was delicious. Brian gave it two thumbs up because it was a chocolate cake.

I love the video of Owen blowing out his candles.  You can just see the excitement on his face.

After cake and ice cream, it was time to open gifts.  Owen got so many nice things.  He got lots of clothes- which he desperately needed and many toys as well.  Both of my kids are really into the "Skylander" toys right now, so Owen was excited to get a skylanders lego set (which he and Olivia have already assembled).  It was definitely a great birthday.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Field Trip to Davis Farms

Owen's Pre-K class recently took a trip to Davis Farms.  The Davis family has a large farm with a variety of animals on it. Not only were the kids able to see the usual farm animals like donkeys and sheep, they were also able to see some more "exotic" animals like llamas and emu.  Neither Brian nor I were able to chaperone due to work.  If only we knew someone who was retired and could go with Owen on his field trip.  Oh wait, we do.  This "Gigi is retired" thing just keeps getting better and better.