Olivia has been helping me out around the house a lot lately (whether I want her to or not). I suppose that it is only fitting that she help clean since she is the one who makes the most mess. I am also happy to report that she has moved up to the 2-year old room at daycare. In this room, children work on potty training. She has officially been potty training since Monday, and she is really catching on fast. She only wears diapers at night now, and has not had many accidents at all. I am so happy that my diaper responsibilities may soon be cut in half. Brian's wallet is also very happy about this development.
On a sadder note, we received notice last week that Owen and Olivia's daycare is scheduled to be shut down due to state budget cuts (the daycare is affiliated with a state-run college). This news has been very upsetting to us and to everyone who works at and sends their children to this wonderful place. I attended a two-hour meeting on Thursday night for concerned parents, but I feel that nothing came of it. The superintendent of schools in Ware County is trying to have the BOE pick up the services (his kids go there, too), but it is all in limbo right now. Olivia has been going to this daycare since she was 7 weeks old, and I do not think that she will take the change well. Hopefully this will all work out for the best.
1 comment:
I am really upset about the daycare. I was hoping for a positive outcome. I read in the Waycross paper that our communities' child care needs were being considered.
I am so happy that Olivia is doing so well with the potty training. It almost doesn't seem fair. I lectured, bribed, plead, and begged and still had a hard time.
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