Every June, my family puts corn in the freezer. It is usually a 2 to 3 day job. This year we put up
a lot of corn and worked until about 9pm on Saturday and Sunday. Talk about two long days... whew! Although the kids are too young to really help, the older girls did try to silk the corn. They did a pretty good job, and I was impressed with their work ethic. My dad was impressed, too, and joked that he may need to start growing tobacco again (NO!). I think that the girls would have kept right on working until we were done had they not discovered a worm on the pavement. This poor worm was poked and prodded relentlessly, but he did make it out alive. Even though it was a lot of work, we had a lot of fun. And, we now have a freezer full of yummy corn.
I want some!
Hey Lealane~ I well remember the days of putting up corn too. Our family usually does it together and we all share it. Actually, I think we are supposed to do it this week!
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