The petting zoo was a big hit with both kids this year. There were various farm animals that the kids could touch- including a cow, chicken, turkey, goat, and bunny rabbit. Owen was glad to touch any animal, while Olivia seemed to keep going after the rabbit. The petting zoo was located near the school playground, so naturally we had to spend a lot of time on the playground equipment. The quarno-kids were here and went to the festival also. Zach and Mackenzie were both very helpful with Owen and Olivia on the playground, and they helped the kids get onto the structures that were too tall for them to get on by themselves. I didn't get to stay with the kids the whole time because I had to work the last hour and a half at the popcorn booth, and then I had to clean up for about an hour after that. Brian has figured that the kids were at the festival for about three and a half hours and that we only spent about $10. You can't beat that!
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