Christmas this year was every bit as exciting as I imagined it would be. Olivia is at an age where she believes in the magic of Christmas. The morning began around 7am when the kids woke up. Granny Mel and Papa Charlie spent Christmas morning with us, and they didn't even mind that we were starting so early. Olivia was so excited by her gifts. She had asked for only two things: a Barbie and a telescope (I have no clue why she asked for the telescope). Not only did she receive a pink telescope, but she received
six Barbies and a Barbie car. She must have been really good all year to get so many nice things. Owen was also a good boy and he got two trucks, a ball, and several books. Although he seemed to like his gifts, he is still too young to get into it like Olivia did. After checking out all of the Santa gifts, we opened our gifts to each other. Brian got a DVD player and a new pair of sunglasses while I received some work-out stuff and a backup drive for my computer.

Once all of the gifts were opened, it was time to give the kids one last gift from Brian and myself: a bouncy house. We actually bought this bouncy house in 2007 when it went clearance at Toys R Us, and have had it in the attic for two and a half years. Needless to say, I was excited to get my attic space back. Anyway, we had to inflate the bouncy house under the carport on Christmas morning because it was raining. Being under the carport didn't bother the kids. They happily went out in their pajamas and bounced around. After bouncing for a bit, it was time to come in and get ready for lunch at Granny Buie's. As always, lunch was fantastic. All-in-all it was a lovely day, and we were all very tired at the end of it. Although we had a blast, I think that Brian and I will both agree that we are glad Christmas only comes once a year.
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