Our church presented a passion play this year, which is something that we haven't done since I was in high school. Brian, Olivia, and I were all cast members. I'm not going to lie- when we heard that they were looking for people to be in the play, we were not the ones jumping up and down saying "me, me, me". I don't think anyone else did either. That's why we- like the majority of the people who ended up in the play- were "drafted". Getting ready for the play was a lot of work. We would practice for hours two to three times a week. At times it was very tiring. All this being said, we are so very glad that we participated. This experience has had a big impact on both Brian and myself, and it seems to have had the same impact on the other "draftees". Our church seems to really be moving in a positive direction, and it is really great to see all of this happen. Anyway, we preformed the play three times this past week. Brian did a great job of acting- I never knew that I was married to such a thespian. He started out as just a regular disciple, but his part kept getting bigger and bigger. It seemed like every time he came home from rehearsal, he had more lines and scenes. In the end, he played the role of the apostle John. If you can't tell, he is the one seated at Jesus's right hand during the last supper. Olivia had a brief role as one of the children. Her job was to march in waving palm branches and shouting "Hosanna" and then to act up so that the disciples could get on to all of the kids. Acting up: the role that she was born to play. The children also had a song that they sang, and Olivia did well with that. My official role was a "mother" to the children (but really I was just suppose to herd the children to wherever they needed to be next). Like I said earlier, we really got a lot out of this experience. I think if they do this again next year, they will have lots of voluteers. I know that we'll be on board!

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