Once my race was complete, it was time for the 1-mile to begin. Like last year, Brian ran with Olivia and I ran with Owen. The kids did great this year. Other parents with small children had to pick their kids up and carry them, but Brian and I didn't do that. If the kids get tired, we try to teach them to slow the pace or walk because that's what they'll have to do in a couple of years when they're running alone. Olivia did really well and finished right around the 15 minute mark. Owen finished at about 17:30. The big news, though, is that for the first time in three years we didn't finish last. Don't get me wrong- we were very close to the end, but we weren't last. Yay- progress! Both kids received finisher medals for completing the race. They are really building a nice little collection of these.
Even though I hadn't run as well as I would have liked, I ended up placing second in my age division. The medals this year were really cute. So, I'm happy to report another successful year at the Swamp Run. I look forward to next year, and cross my fingers that they will change the course.