Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pierce County Fund Run

This morning, the kids and I participated in the first annual Pierce County Rec Dept. Fund Run. The kids did the one mile run and then Gigi and Papa watched them while I did the 5K. I am so proud of how well they ran. Both kids went the whole way by themselves, and they did actually run most of the time. Of course we weren't very fast and we ended up dead last- but it was a lot of fun. The kids both received medals at the finish line.

The 5K began in City Park. As a side not- I run four to five times a week in Blackshear, and City Park is part of the training course that I've created for myself. When the race began, I discovered that the entire course looked familiar- the race was run on my personal training course. Talk about me having an advantage! I ended up with a new personal best time of 25.30, and finished second in my age group. Next weekend is the Gate River Run- the national 15K championship. It was good to have my last race before "the big one" be on familiar turf.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome time! Congrats