Owen is almost 3.5 years old, and has just seen his first full movie in the theater. I really did try to take him to see a movie before now. As a matter of fact I bought tickets for Toy Story 3 last summer, but he acted up so badly that we had to leave halfway through the film. After that fiasco, I swore that I would wait a full calendar year before I even attempted to take him to the movies again. His year was up last week, and so we gave it another go. We saw Winnie the Pooh, and I'm happy to report that we made it through the whole movie without incident. The kids love the Pooh characters, and they loved the movie. I confess that I really liked it, too.
I thought you were at the beach all last week????
We were- we went the week before. I have been sitting on this post for awhile.
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