That Santa Claus is one accommodating fellow. He was kind enough to visit our home on the morning of Christmas Eve this year since he knew that we would be traveling on Christmas Day. The kids had written him a note asking him to do this, but they weren't sure whether or not he would honor their request until they woke up on Saturday morning. They must have been really good this year because they received lots of wonderful gifts. Both kids got a mini pillow-pet, warm clothes, books, and movies. Owen also received a truck set while Olivia got a "xia xia" set (don't ask- I myself am still not sure about the purpose of this toy). After checking out their gifts from Santa, we opened our family presents. Owen received another set of trucks from Brian and I while Olivia got a Lalaloopsy doll. Both also got a LeapPad. Thank goodness that Brian is in the "loop" when it comes to cool toys because I had no idea what half of the stuff we received on Christmas (eve) morning was. The kids knew, though, and they really liked it. Posted are a couple of pictures from our day-early celebration.
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