I love fine art. I could spend hours in a museum. Now, I'm not artistic at all. I can barely draw a decent stick person, but I appreciate the work of those who are talented. My favorite part of our New York trip was being able to visit not one but two top-tier art museums. We spent one morning at The Metropolitan Museum of Art and another morning at the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA). I was so excited to visit these world class facilities. We started our day at the Met by checking out the medieval armor. This was really cool. We then proceeded to the Egyptian section. It was at this point that Owen started saying that he was ready to go. So, Brian took him outside of the museum, bought him a pretzel, and they spent the next hour and a half feeding the pigeons. Olivia stayed with me and granny Mel as we checked out the paintings. Olivia is going to be an art lover- I can tell. We saw tons of paintings. When we got to "Autumn Rhythm (No. 30)" by Jackson Pollack, Olivia recognized it as the painting that Olivia the Pig "just didn't get". I couldn't believe that she recognized this work from her children's book and pointed it out. She wanted her picture made with it, and I obliged. Later on we saw the Degas painting that Olivia the Pig loved, and my Olivia wanted a picture of it as well. This began the trend to taking our pictures beside our favorite paintings. This was a fun thing to do, and it kept Olivia interested.
As excited as I was to visit the Met, I was even MORE excited to visit MOMA. This museum was smaller, but still outstanding. Inside of MOMA was Van Gogh's Starry Night, which is Olivia's number one absolute favorite painting. Also in this museum was one of my favorite works, The Persistence of Memory (melting clocks) by Salvador Dalí. I was surprised by how small this work was. I always imagined it as being very large, but it's actually about the size of an 8x10. Melanie loves Monet, and there was a huge work of his in the museum as well. Owen had to stay with us the entire time here, and he got in on the "take a picture with your favorite painting" action. I thoroughly enjoyed the visit to each museum and I would love to return to both one day sans kids so that I can spend more time in them.
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