I say this every year, but this time I mean it. I
will keep running during the summer months- no matter how hot it gets. I have been entering local 5ks this spring to help keep me motivated.
Race #1: The Glow Run. I have run this race every year since it's inception, so I guess that makes me a "streaker". This year I joined Quincy, Maura, and several others for this race. I decided to go all on the costume this year, so I ordered a light-up tutu and head piece off the Internet. My costume attracted a lot of attention. I had two complete strangers come up wanting to take a picture with me. I ended up winning the costume contest, so I got a bag of YMCA goodies (like a water bottle, ball cap, etc). My time for the race was 25.47. I was the third woman overall to finish, but was second in my age group. This is a really fun race, so I'm glad I participated. I almost sat it out because of...
Race #2: The Dirt Road Run. This race took place on the Saturday following the glow run. So- after running at midnight the night before (and not getting in bed until 2 a.m.) I woke up at 6 to get ready and be in Brantley County for this race at 8 a.m. I wasn't the only one attempting to run two 5Ks before 8:30- Quincy and Maura were also there. Why would we do this? Well, the Dirt Road Run is sponsored by BTC (where Quincy works) and she had a hand in putting this race on. Quincy worked really hard trying to get people to register for this run. She convinced a lot of people new to running to come out and support her employer's race.
She even talked Mama and Daddy into participating in the 1-mile fun run. As the name of this race suggests, it is run on a dirt road. Running of dirt/sand is much harder than running on pavement. I ended up finishing in 27.04. Since I was the third overall female to finish, I won $25 (which was the exact amount that paid to enter the race).
Race #3 was the Gator Run at a local middle school. This was my first time running this race, which had nice little course through a residential neighborhood. I finished this race in 26.36 and was second in my age group.
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