Monday, September 2, 2013

My First Triathlon

After competing in the Megan's House Heels and Wheels duathlon for the past two years, I decided to attempt the tri this year instead.  I knew that the running part would be okay, and I've been cycling with a group of girls I work with, so I felt good about the bike.  The swimming was what I was worried about.  I am a terrible swimmer (and this was confirmed by my pathetic swim time).  Not only am I a poor swimmer, but the lake at Laura Walker Park has gators in it- so I was a little nervous about that.  That's not all, I also convinced myself that I would surely get either flesh-eating bacteria or the amoeba that goes up your nose and eats your brain from the water in the lake.  I'm really quite surprised that I got into the water at all- but I did.  Since I was registered in the "novice" category, I was in the last wave to start (with all the other newbies).  My quarter-mile swim was so bad that it was almost funny.  I got tired about a fourth of the way in.  I had planned to do the freestyle- but I ended up switching between dog-paddling and floating on my back.  Did I mention that my swimming leg was really bad?  I could not have been any happier to get out of that lake.

Once the swim was over I entered transition to get ready for my 13-mile bike ride.  I have done this ride as part of the duathlon, so I knew what to expect and the ride went well.  The same can be said for the 5k run- it was not new to me and I did okay.  I finished with a time of 1:38:28 and placed 2nd in the "novice" category.  I'm really kind of happy with this time.  Even though the swimming was bad, I actually enjoyed the triathlon.  I plan to do more of them.  Guess I better start hitting the pool.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Congrats!!! Btw, I kind of love that you worry about the brain-eating ameba. That's the reason I won't swim in open water. The next time my friends make fun, I'll tell them I have support in Georgia! Gators, too??? Forget it. You are very brave!