Sunday, October 19, 2014

Ruby Falls

After leaving the aquarium, we drove to see Ruby Falls.  Ruby Falls is a 145 foot natural waterfall that is located inside of a cave.  We traveled in an elevator about 260 feet below the surface and then hiked through a cave to the falls.  Along the way we saw many stalagmites, stalactites, and other formations.  The cave was small but well lit.  The guide said that we were lucky to be here on this day.  Due to the heavy rains the night before, the falls were  receiving more water than usual and were twice the normal size.  He said this only happens once or twice a year, so I guess it was good luck that we got to see Ruby Falls in all of its glory.  Ruby Falls was lots of fun.  The kids thought it was cool to see a waterfall inside of a cave.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mallory loved Ruby Falls! She quickly adjusted. At first, I was freaked out by being so far underground and in such a tight space. I almost got sick!