Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas Eve

We had a very, um,  interesting Christmas Eve this year.   Our church was having its annual candlelight service so we were planning to attend that and then go out to my mom's.  As I was fixing Olivia's hair for church, I noticed that she kept scratching her head.  Whenever I see a kid doing this, I always check them for lice.  I've never found anything in it before, but this time I did.  Olivia had lice!  I could not believe it.  We stopped getting ready for church and I made a trip to the pharmacy.  I talked to the lady ringing me up and she said that lice had been going around really bad in the schools and that they had sold a lot of the treatment kits in the last week.  I spent the rest of the afternoon washing and combing out hair, stripping all of the beds, bagging up stuffed animals, and spraying all of the furniture.  I even treated my own hair, and Brian gave himself a buzz cut.  We still went out to Gigi's that evening, but we all covered our heads with hats- just to be on the safe side.
 We had a great evening, and received lots of nice things.  My mom, sisters, and I all received door decorations from Aunt Connie, which we all loved.  Brian got some new clothes and shoes.  Olivia got lots of new clothes and a digital watch, and Owen got some cowboy boots and a new light saber (among other things).  We were so happy to spend this time with our family.
,,,And then we had to go home and continue decontaminating the house- sigh.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would love to have a door decoration like that. Do you know where she got them from?