Our church held its VBS during the first week of June. Somehow I ended up being the VBS director this year, and I now have a new appreciation for all of those who have done this job before me. Our theme was "Blast to the Past", and it was a really well put together program. The kids "traveled through time" to learn about God's love. All week long, the kids participated in games, crafts, Bible learning, snack, and missions activities. All of the mission projects were aimed at helping our church and local community. The kids wrote cards to elderly/ shut-ins, planted trees, helped to re-decorate part of the Sunday School building, and made large snack boxes for community workers. On the last night, the firemen, police, and EMTs arrived to pick up their snack boxes and brought all of their vehicles for the kids to check out. That was a definite hit. We had a good turnout- especially considering that a lot of other churches in town were having their VBS the same week that we did. I am so thankful to be a part of such a wonderful church family.

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