Saturday, February 20, 2016

Team Special Kay

Team Special Kay

 In the Spring of last year my Aunt Kay was diagnosed with breast cancer.  She has been undergoing chemo and radiation for several months.  At Thanksgiving dinner, some of my cousins and I decided that we wanted to form a relay team to run the National Breast Cancer Marathon Relay (aka the 26.2 w/ Donna) in honor of Aunt Kay. 100% of the funds raised by this race go to funding breast cancer research and to financially helping women who are undergoing treatment. We had so many in our family who wanted to participate that we ended up forming TWO relay teams which we named Special Kay 1 and Special Kay 2.

The race day came, and it was such a wonderful experience. Our relay was made even more special by the fact that Aunt Kay finished her last treatment four days before race day. She and Uncle Bobby were able to attend and were present at the start, finish, and along the course.  I know that it meant so much to my cousins and I that we were able to do this in honor of our sweet aunt.
Leg 3 runners
Hunter and Bailey crossing the finish line

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