Monday, June 20, 2016

Whitewater Rafting

While visiting Brian's family in Delaware, we decided to make a few day trips.  Our first trip was to the Harper's Ferry area to try our hand at whitewater rafting.  We took a 4-hour, 7-mile trip down the Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers.  The rapids were class I-III- just enough to be exciting without being too much for the kids to handle.  Actually, the kids did great.  The only one who did terrible was me.  I kept falling into the middle of the raft, which I suppose is better than falling out of the raft.  There were a couple of places where the river was calm enough that we could get out and swim.  The water temperature was perfect and felt so good on a warm day.  I took my camera, but was only able to take pictures when I wasn't paddling (so no pictures in white water). Both kids are already asking to go rafting again, so I guess our excursion was a hit.

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