It has finally happened. The kids have reached the age where they want to pick the theme of our family Halloween costumes. And so, we dressed as Pokémon characters this year. At first I wasn't sure how this theme would come out, but it actually ended up being pretty cute. If you can't tell, Owen and Brian are the Pokémon trainers (Ash Ketchum and Brock) while Olivia and I are Pokémon (Eevie and Pikachu). We had a lot of fun trick-or-treating with our family. The inflatable Pikachu costume was hard to walk around in, so I spent a lot of time riding on the back of Kelly's golf cart. Pikachu got a lot of attention, though. I took pictures with, high-fived and hugged dozens of kids as we went around the neighborhood. I even had a couple of not-so-nice kids come up and punch my Pikachu costume in the back (one kid did so repeatedly). They better be glad that I could barely walk in or see out of my costume. Our crew was successful in acquiring loads of treats and spent the last part of the evening swapping candy. I love Halloween. It is definitely one of my favorite days of the year.

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