Saturday, October 19, 2019

Olivia is 13

 I cannot believe that my baby girl is a teenager!  We celebrated her birthday with cheesecake and gifts.  The "big" gift that she wanted was a Slytherin jacket that she saw at Universal.  Here are some facts about Oliva at 13:

  •  She loves to read.  Her favorite books are those in the "Warriors" series.
  • She loves anime - especially Naruto.  
  • Her favorite subject is math.
  • She has reached the point where she can keep up with her school work / activities without intervention from me.
  • Her room is still a disaster area.
  • Her favorite snacks are pickles and strawberries.
I sure do love this sweet girl.

 For her birthday activity, Olivia chose to invite some friends to go play an escape room.  We played "Da Vinci" and made it out with time to spare.  This is no thanks to me, I was spinning around in circles most of the time trying to figure out what was going on.  Olivia reported that her birthday this year was "the best ever".

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