Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Olivia's 5th Grade Graduation

 Olivia's last day of elementary school was marked by a graduation / honor's ceremony.  Prior to entering the mulit-purpose room for graduation, the students marched down the halls of their school one last time where the kids in the lower grades lined the halls to give them a proper send-off.  The graduates then entered the mulit-purpose room where they sang their class song (Hall of Fame), heard from a guest speaker- their teacher Mr. Bell, and received their awards and certificates.  Olivia wore a yellow cord around her neck because she "graduates" with an A average.  She also wore an academic tribute medal for finishing in the top 10% of her class.  Olivia will certainly miss her elementary school.  We have had nothing but positive experiences here.  She has had fantastic teachers and has made some great friends.  It's a little sad that we have to move on, but at the same time she is lookig forward to middle school.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Owen's Honors

 Owen had a great year in fourth grade.  He had amazing teachers and great friends in his class.  He learned a lot and received honors at the end of the school year.  He was recognized for having all A's, being in the honor society, and for the various activities that he participated in.
 Owen was also recognized at the academic boosters ceremony and received an academic letter.  If he continues to participate in school competitions, he may eventually earn a letter jacket.  We sure are proud of our little buddy's hard work.