A few weeks ago, Gigi and Papa watched the kids for me. While the kids were there, they got to go to the corn field and help turn on and play with the irrigaiton gun. They must have had a good time, because I have heard about "Rainbow" (that's what they named the gun) ever since. They have been asking me and asking me to go out to the farm so that Papa could turn on Rainbow and they could play in the water. Well, they got their chance this weekend. It turned out to be a win-win-win situation- Gigi and Papa needed to dig potatoes, I wanted the kids to start doing some work on the farm, and they wanted to get under the gun. After digging the potatoes, Papa cranked up the gun, and the kids had a blast playing under it. I got so tickeled because they would run across the field chasing the water. At one point, Olivia even ran around the entire field trying to keep up with it. They were very dirty when we left, but they had a great time. I remember playing with the irrigation gun when I was young, and I'm glad that my kids get to experience this, too.

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