Once the gymnastics routines were over, the tumbling matts were moved, and the dance routines began. Olivia had two routines: a ballet and a tap. She is one of the girls who remembered the routine the best, so she was front-and-center for both dances. Both dance numbers used music from "The Little Mermaid" and were choreographed accordingly. After Olivia's final performance, she was surprised by flowers from her daddy. He's so thoughtful.
I am very pleased with Olivia's progress in her dance and gymnastics this year. It was rough going at first. Back in the fall of the year, she would pitch a fit becasue she didn't want to go to her lessons each week. I had to remind her frequently that she had put in to take these lessons and that we were going to finish what we had started. Her attitude improved significantly during the spring, and she's recently been asking to go to lessons- even on days that are not her designated day. I asked her if she would like to take dance and/or gymnastics again next year, and she responded that she'd like to take both and add baton. I doubt that that the baton thing will happen, but it's good to know that she likes what she's doing.
What! No videos?
Great pictures. Just dressing up is a lot of fun!
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