The Megan's House Heels and Wheels Duathlon is a local race that raises money for Megan's House- an Easter Seals program. I participated in this last year and enjoyed it so much that I decided to do it again this year. I felt fairly confident going into the duathlon this time because I had done one before and knew what to expect. It also helped that I had a new road bike (that I love). A few things were different this time. To begin with, a mile was added to the second "run" portion of the race. This meant that I had to run 2 miles, bike 13, and then run 3 more miles. Another change was that a triathlon was added. Most people who were at the race were doing the triathlon- including my friend Amy who you see in the picture with me. I ended up being the only person in my age division for the duathlon, so I won the age group award with a time of 1:39:05. I was watching what the triathletes were doing, and it didn't look too bad. I think I may try to do that next year. We'll see how it goes.

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