After hearing the testimony of a child who was sponsored through the
Compassion program at Sunday School this week, the Lord put it on my heart to become involved in this ministry. In her testimony, the girl from Kenya spoke of how she grew up in a small hut in the slums of Nairobi. The hut had a dirt floor, and a roof that leaked when it rained. When it did rain, the family had to huddle in the corner- and even after it stopped raining they couldn't go to sleep because the floor was sopping wet. There was no plumbing or waste management system, so there was trash and human waste everywhere. Crime and disease run rampant in these slums, and many of the kids born in these circumstances never leave. The turning point for this girls' life was the day that she learned she had been sponsored by a couple in Oregon. Her entire family rejoiced because they knew that their child would now receive a steady source of food. In addition to this, though, the girl also received an education and came to know the Lord. The girl giving the testimony is currently on scholarship to study education at the University in Nairobi. She is also a servant of the Lord who gives her testimony across the globe. Her happiness as a child and potential as an adult was completely changed- and all of this was possible because a family in Oregon decided to give $38 a month to help someone else out. I cannot imagine anything better to spend $38 dollars a month on. This is why I have decided to make a long-term commitment to this program. My money is going to sponsor this beautiful child named Taryn Chichina. She was born about a month after Olivia in 2006. Her mother has passed away. Her father is alive but is not in the picture for some reason. She lives with her five siblings and her grandmother in Kenya. This family is in extreme need. I am so excited about sponsoring this child that I can barely contain myself. I hope that this makes a difference for her and her family. I look forward to sending her letters and to being a part of her life as she grows up. Since Olivia is the same age as this girl, I hope that they can also develop a correspondence. Please pray for Taryn and her family.
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