Thursday, April 14, 2016

City Museum

 I cannot even say enough good things about St. Louis's City Museum.  This is one of the most unique, quirky, and fun places that I have ever visited.  The term "museum" is a misnomer.  This place is really more of a jungle gym on steroids.  The museum uses reclaimed materials to make the most wonderful things.  There are dozens of tunnels, slides, and interesting places to explore.  We spent hours climbing, crawling, and sliding.  There are even tunnels in the floor and in the ceiling.  There are nooks and crannies everywhere- and you can explore them all.  Several times I saw Olivia point out a hole in the floor or wall to Owen, to which he would reply "Let's go in it".  There are no maps, so getting lost was pretty much guaranteed.  But, that was part of the fun.  We all liked the slides, and we went down as many as we could find- including the ten story slide.  I felt like such a kid at this place, and I was not alone.  After all, the City Museum was designed with adults in mind.  We stayed late- almost til closing time- and there is no way we saw it all.  Should fate ever take us through St. Louis again, a return visit to the City Museum will be at the top of my list.

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