Monday, April 11, 2016

St. Louis Zoo

Day two of our Missouri vacation began at the St. Louis Zoo.  This is one of the best zoos that we have ever been to (and it was free).  There were many outstanding animal exhibits, but I am going to post pictures of some of our favorites. The one that left the biggest impression on me was the polar bear.  We have seen polar bears at other zoos, but the one here was relaxing up next to the glass and we were able to get really really close to him.  What a magnificent animal!
The kids enjoyed watching the hippos.  Most of the animals were in nice, large habitats- that's always nice to see.
 The penguins were also a hit.

The St. Louis Zoo had several animals that we had never seen before.  Brian really liked the Takins.  He thought they were cool when he first saw them, and then their coolness was solidified when he realized that they could climb.

We spent about five hours at the zoo, and enjoyed our time there.

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