Saturday, October 25, 2008

On the Move

Well, it's official- the days of Owen sitting around passively are over. He is now on the move. Don't get me wrong, he is still an angel, he is just a curious angel these days. Brian and I have to make sure that we always have an eye on him. He can get into things quickly. For example, one morning this week I was getting Olivia ready for daycare. Owen was already dressed, so I put him on his playmat in the living room. As I was pulling Olivia's hair up, I heard a noise coming from my bedroom. Sure enough, Owen had crawled the entire length of the house.

I don't think that it will be too much longer before Owen starts pulling up. He is already pulling to his knees and trying hard to find his footing. Because of his progress, he has been moved out of the young infant room and into the older infant room at daycare.

It kinda makes me sad that my baby is growing so fast. Everytime I turn around, he is doing something new. With Olivia I couldn't wait for her to start moving, but with Owen I'm in no hurry. I guess I know that I'll miss the "baby days" when they are gone, so I'm going to savor them while they're here.

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