Thursday, May 28, 2009

Saying Goodbye

Today was a sad day. It was the kids' last day at daycare. You may recall that last fall Okefenokee Technical College cut funding to their daycare program, but the Ware County BOE picked it up for the rest of the school year because so many BOE employees had children at the center. Even though the child care center was operating in the black, the BOE decided not to continue with the child care program after this school year. So, today was the final operating day for the daycare. It was very sad for everyone. The ladies at the center have taken care of my children since Olivia was 6 weeks old. We are surely going to miss going to the Little Gator Child Care Center next year. I suppose next week I'll begin my search for a new daycare.


BeckyG said...

I hope you are able to find another good daycare that you and your kids both love. I can understand how this was a sad day. Second Baptist in Waycross is a good daycare. Nathan's uncle is the pastor there and his aunt works in the daycare - Derwin and Debbie Griffin are their names. By the way, was Owen in that picture? Is he in the blue shirt???

The Sanders Family said...

Thanks- I hear Second Baptist is great. I'll have to check into that. Owen is not in this picture. I think that he was asleep when all of the picture-taking happened.