Here's to another successful 15K at the National Championship Gate River Run. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I LOVE this race. Everything about it is great- the course, the organization, the proximity to my house, etc... Remembering that we got caught in traffic and barely made the start at all last year, Anna and I left super early this year. Quincy- who was making the leap from 5K to 15K was also with us. (Who really needs a 10K anyway?, says she). We arrived in plenty of time to check in, get our gear together, stretch, and make it to our respective starting locations. I actually got to take advantage of my seeded time this year, and began in the "orange" corral with like-paced runners. This is definitely the way to go- no weaving in and out. I actually think that starting in a seeded section helped me better pace myself because I ran really well this year. I finished in 1:21:42. This is nearly 7 minutes faster than last years' time. I finished in the top 10% of women runners and received a "top 10%" ball cap. I was super stoked about the hat and sported that thing for the rest of the day. Everyone else also finished with impressive times. Quincy made a great showing in her first 15K and finished in under the 2 hour mark. In the picture above is our Gate River "crew" consisting of me, my girls Anna and Krystial, Quincy, Karina (Krystial's sister) and Jared (Karina's boyfriend).

Bonus picture: Picture taken at start line. Can you find me? (Hint- look to the left)
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