The kids awoke on Easter morning to discover that they had had a visit from the Easter Bunny. The bunny had filled their baskets with candy, DVDs, a puzzle, and bubbles. The kids were thrilled. After checking out the loot, they each took their baskets to their rooms to search for the eggs that the Easter Bunny had hidden for them. After finding all of the eggs, the kids began getting ready for Sunday school and church. As expected, their was a large crowd in attendance. The kids were excited to have a "guest" (Granny Mel) in their Sunday school class. Gigi is one of the Pre-K Sunday school teachers, so both Grandmothers ended up being in the kids' class. After church we went to the front to get our picture made by the cross, which is always decorated so nicely on Easter. Not to call any names, but some people (
cough cough- Daddy, Sam, Quincy- cough cough) left instead of coming to the front after the service, and so not everyone appears in this year's Easter pictures.
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