Monday, September 2, 2013

Run for Honduras

 September is for football and 5ks.  I kicked off my fall running this past weekend at the Run for Honduras 5k and 1-mile.  Among the 5K runners were Quincy, Jessica, and myself.  The course was located at the Country Club and was really hilly.  In fact, you had to climb a pretty big hill at the end to get to the finish line.  I finished with a time of 25.50 and placed second in age group.  Quincy and Jessica both placed as well.

Following the 5K, there was a one-mile fun run.  Olivia and Natalie were registered to participate.  Owen had to sit out due to his recent surgery- and he was not happy about it.

The girls started off strong.  I tried to run with them but they left me in a cloud of dust.  They got tired pretty soon, though, so I was able to catch up.

Both girls gave a really good effort the entire race.

 As we were running back toward the finish, I spotted a familiar face on the course.  Someone had convinced his Aunt Quincy to let him walk the one mile.  The race organizers gave Owen a medal even though he wasn't a registered runner- I thought that was really nice of them.

Here are Olivia and I at the finish.  I really like this picture.  I have the not-so-secret hope that she will want to continue to run with me and that this being something that we do together.
And here's the bling shot.  Medals for all = successful morning.

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