Tuesday, October 8, 2013

This Train is Rolling Out

 After 41 years at the railroad, my dad has retired!  I don't know if I can even express how happy I am about this.  Now both of my parents can get a well-deserved break.  Daddy's last week was bitter-sweet.  Of course he was glad to be going, but it is hard to let go of things that have been such a integral part of your life for so long.  On the last night of Daddy's work, my mom and all my siblings (except Cassie- who we facetimed) loaded up in the van and drove over to CSX.  We went in and took some pictures and Daddy at his last night on the job.  All of Daddy's co-workers wished him well.  You could tell that they really thought a lot of Daddy and were happy for him.  Before leaving, we watched Daddy clock out for the last time.  Funny enough- Daddy's last day was Tuesday, and on Wednesday my brother Sam got a call from the railroad- he had been hired!  Looks like CSX just can't run properly without a Sam Walker around.  My brother joked that he was going to show up on his first day and say "You can't get rid of Sam Walker".

So what's next?  Well, the day after these photos were taken, Mama and Daddy loaded up in the van to go eat lobster in Maine with my Aunt Connie and Uncle Mike.  They have been talking about doing this for a long time, so we're all thrilled that it has been made a reality.  I hope that there will be many fun trips like this in my parents' future.

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