Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Olivia's WINGS Fieldtrip

 Olivia recently went with her WINGS class on a field trip to Statesboro.  While there, the students got to participate in a lot of fun and educational activities.

The day began with a 6:30 a.m. meet-up time.  Like Owen's WINGS trip, this one included a charter bus.  Neither Brian nor I could attend, so Gigi filled in as chaperone.  By her account, the fieldtrip was a success.

 The first stop on the field trip was the Georgia Southern Center for Wildlife Education / Lamar Q. Ball Jr. Raptor Center.  While there, the students learned about birds of prey and wildlife native to Georgia.  The kids also got to go on a scavenger hunt, see a flight demonstration, and touch some animals.

 Each kid had their "wing span" measured.  Based on her span, if Olivia were a bird, she would be a snowy owl (her favorite bird).

 The kids also visited a planetarium, which was great because Olivia's current science unit is the space unit.  It was nice that she could get a visual representation of the things that she is learning about.  I don't have any pictures from the planetarium, but it sounded like a lot of fun.
The happy travelers returned mid-afternoon with a stuffed Eagle named "eggy", and many tales of their trip.

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