Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Olivia is 9

We have recently celebrated Olivia's 9th birthday.  Brian and I are so proud of the young lady that she is becoming.  Here are a few facts about Olivia at age 9:

  • She likes to wear long skirts, and she wears them almost exclusively.
  • She goes through more pairs of black flats (shoes) than you could possibly imagine.
  • She wants to be involved in every activity under the sun
  • She is very loving to her brother and always does nice things for him.
  • Her favorite subject in school is Science.
  • Her room is a total disaster area and...
  • She is growing up way too fast.

We had a family lunch after church one Sunday to celebrate Olivia's birthday.  We still have two of the kittens that our cat surprised us with this summer, and Olivia is all about those cats.  It came as no surprise that Olivia wanted a cat cake for her birthday, and Aunt Hannah was happy to make her one.
Olivia received a lot of neat toys and clothes from our family members.  Brian picked up some science kits for us to give her, and she's been enjoying those along with her other gifts.  I don't know where the time has gone, but it needs to slow down.  Next year we'll be entering the double digits- yikes!

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