Sunday, November 15, 2015

Killing Time in Savannah

Quincy's wedding dress appointments were in Savannah.  She had three different places that she was going to look, and the last two were small boutiques that would not be able to accommodate all of Quincy's entourage.  Those of us with small kids decided to excuse ourselves from the last two appointments so that others could attend.  A week before the shopping trip, I looked at a Savannah events website and saw that Disney of Ice would be in town on the day that we were shopping- so I got tickets.  We had some time to kill between the first bridal shop appointment and the start of the ice show.  The kids and I decided to walk around downtown Savannah.  I have been to Savannah several times, but the kids have not.  They really liked the historic district.  We didn't have enough time to thoroughly check out anything, but we did go down River Street and visit a couple of the squares.

 The Telfair Museum was hosting an arts and crafts festival in one of the squares that we visited.  They had several tables set up where kids could try their hand at various arts and crafts.  We had enough time for the kids to do one activity.  Olivia chose to do the "marker Monet" activity while Owen opted for the finger painting.  They were pleased with their finished products.

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