Sunday, March 27, 2016

Owen is 8

 My little baby boy turned eight years old last Monday.  He is growing up so fast.  Here are some facts about Owen and age 8:

  • His favorite subject in school is Math.
  • If it were up to him, he'd just sit around and play video games all day long.
  • He is eager to help out when asked (but won't volunteer)
  • He loves salsa.
  • He likes watching sports with his Daddy.
  • He loves his family. 

Owen  had a great birthday this year.  We stopped by Dunkin Donuts on the way to school and let him get a donut and then he got to choose a restaurant to eat at that evening (he picked Loco Burrito).  We also had cake and a small family party for him following lunch on Easter Sunday,  He received lot of nice gifts.  His daddy and I got him a new bicycle, which he really liked.  He also got lots clothes, shoes, and a new baseball bag.  Owen is really into Pokemon and Yo-Kai Watch, so he was happy to get lots of things to go with that game (??).  I usually have someone more talented than myself make the kids a birthday cake, but I wanted to try to do one on my own.  I won't be doing that again.  I think that Hannah got all of the cake-making genes in our family.  Despite the ugly cake, it was a good birthday.  Brian and I are thankful for our sweet baby boy, and we look forward to celebrating many more birthdays with him.

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