Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Mackenzie's Graduation

 The kids and I took a road trip in early June to attend my cousin Mackenzie's high school graduation.  Mackenzie has done well in high school and will be attending Salisbury University in the fall.  I must admit that I thought she was the prettiest, smartest, and nicest of all the graduates in her high school (I am biased, I know).  I was happy to get to spend time with my Cook cousins.  Lots of family came in before graduation, so we were able to visit with them on the evening before commencement.  We also went to the graduation after-party and spent more time visiting with everyone.

My Cook cousins live in Columbia, Maryland (outside of Balitmore), so it was a bit of a drive. The kids and I went with my parents.  It's been a while since I've taken a road trip with them.  This time, though, I was the driver so I didn't have to sit in the back seat with the kids (like I had to do when I was younger).  Following the graduation, we spent a few days in the D.C. area.  I will be doing additional posts on that.

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