Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Return to Ichetucknee

The kids and I made a return trip to tube on the Ichetucknee River over the Labor Day weekend. We went with the Murrays, and had a grand time.  Last year when we went, we began at the Midpoint Launch and tubed the last half of the river.  This year we began the North Launch and floated all the way til the last take-out point.  This is the first time that any of us had ever done the northern section of the river.  They cap the number of people who can go down the northern portion each day, so it was a quieter, less crowded stretch of river.  The total distance that we tubed was a little over three miles, and it took us about three hours to do.  We all had rafts or tubes, but we were in-and-out of them.  The kids liked snorkeling and swimming in the chilly water as much as they liked the tubing.  Even Julianna got out of the raft and swam in the river.  It was a full day, but lots of fun.

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